Wednesday's WiPs & Books {8/28}

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Happy Wednesday! 

I hope you're having a great week! 

I love chatting about what I am reading and making. 

I added a new book to my reading rotation, Random in Death by J.D. Robb. 

I read this series years ago and I am not sure where I left off. 

While browsing Amazon, I found that this title was released earlier this year 

and decided to give it a go. I am really enjoying it. 

Earlier this week, I went through some projects I wanted to bring out of hibernation and get finished. 

First is my Duotone cowl. 

I decided instead of changing the stripe sequence, I am going to knit the other half in the blue colorway 

I dyed for this project. I am calling it Blue Jay. 

I want to wear this as soon as the weather is cool enough. 

I am working away on The Little Garter Scarf. 

I am so close to the decrease section. 

I am loving holding the Avalon Springs Farm yarn double. 

I started a pair of Halloween socks. 

They Only Come Out at Night sock set by A Yarn to Dye For. 

I am using the Stack of Books pattern by Lindsay of Sock Witchery. 

I watched a couple of episodes of Eureka and a lot of YouTube this week. 

All the videos about patterns for autumn are making me feel all the cozy. 

I would love to know what you are making, reading and/or watching. 

Happy Creating, 



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