Friday's Favorites {6/7}

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I hope you've had a fantastic week. 

Let's share our favorites! 

I picked up a few books from a second hand bookstore. 

I love reading poolside in the summer. 

Butterfly bushes! 

They are so pretty and I love that they bloom throughout the summer. 

We get many butterflies and dragonflies that visit. 

New summer project bag from Miss Babs. It is an Emma Ball design. 

I can't get over those holiday huts, sea gulls and whales. 

Strawberry season is coming to an end here. 

I have harvested these from my front flowerbed patch for smoothies. 

Some pictures from my walk at a local boardwalk by the bay. 

I would love to know your favorites from the week. 

Share in the comments. 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. 

Happy Creating, 


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