Friday's Favorites {5/24}


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Happy Friday! 

{this graphic remeinds me of the Summer Sock Camp theme}

I am really looking forward to the long weekend. 

It has been a challenging week in many ways,  I am so glad to be able to look for the good. 

Summer Sock Camp has started. Are you joining in? 

Are you working on wips? Casting on new socks? Both? 

Peony blooms! 

They smell amazing and my plant is so prolific this year. 

Other plants that are going to burst forth soon. 

I love hydrangeas. My mom had a huge hydrangea bush (many, many years ago) and we have split it up and planted it in many areas around the property. 

I love them so much and dry some to bring inside over the winter so I can enjoy them longer. 

Beautiful evening skies. 

A finished baby hat for a baby shower gift. 

I used the pattern instructions for the toddler Musselburgh increases, knit plain for a few inches and did 

a 1x1 rib and bound off in pattern. 

I hope you've had a wonderful week and have a lovely weekend. 

I would love to know your favorites. 

Let's chat. 

Happy Creating, 



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