Monday's Motivation [9/17]

Can I be honest? 

I am not feeling very motivated today. Not one little bit. 

From my past experience, I know that I need to get a few key things done or 
tomorrow will be over-scheduled. So, I got to work doing all the admin things and that is awesome, but I pushed other things. 

Do you make promises to yourself?

 I do all the time and I let myself down more than I fulfill those promises. 

I am trying to change that. We don't like to break promises to others, so we shouldn't break the ones we have made to ourselves. 

One thing I am trying to make time for is my health. Like remembering to drink more water and be more active. I did some research and decided on the above trainer. I thought I could just fit this in throughout my day and there have been a few times I have accomplished this. More times than not, this is one of the things that gets pushed. I really want to be more consistent. 

How do you stay consistent? How do you show up for yourself? 

I hope your week is off to a great start!!!  



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