Friday's Favorites {8/16}

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Happy Friday! 

I hope you're having a fantastic day. 

I am thankful for this opportunity to celebrate the good in the week. 

An FO! 

Here are my Cozy Knitter Advent 2023 socks in the Second Breakfast pattern. 

They are so bright and cheerful. 

I love the way the stripes are dyed. I am looking forward to my 2024 skein. 

The cupcakes my daughter made me for my birthday. 

They are very delicious! 

My husband knows the way to my heart is yarn and plants. 

I purchased yarn last week, so this week it is a new houseplant. 

This is a Bromeliad. Isn't the flower amazing! 

Flowers from my cousins. Such a sweet surprise. 

It is a gorgeous bouquet. 

More birthday shenanigans this weekend starting with dinner out with friends this evening. 

I would love to know the favorites from your week. 

Share in the comments below. 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! 

Happy Creating, 



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