Wednesday's WiPs & Books {6/12}

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Happy Wednesday! 

I love wips and books day! 

I have been doing a bit more reading lately. 

I joined my library's summer reading program. 

I have been logging how many minutes I am reading per day. 

I am really enjoying both of these books. 

It's a coincidence that I picked two books that were both set in Ireland. 

I have only worked a little on this Gingerbread sock this week. 

The yarn is by West Yorkshire Spinners. 

I am at the toe and looking forward to casting on the second sock. 

I picked up my Bamboo Summer Top and am knitting away (very slowly) on the front. 

I have only half a skein of yarn left and am hoping I am not going to play yarn chicken. 

I watched Something's Gotta Give on Netflix last night. 

I really like Nancy Meyer movies. 

It was really different watching it this time than it was years ago. 

I hope you're having a wonderful week and would love to know what you are making, 

reading and/or watching. 

Happy Creating, 



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