Friday's Favorites {5/17}

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I hope you've had a fantastic week. 

It has been going non-stop here. 

Our youngest two are home from college and their stuff is taking over. 

We had a funeral to attend and now we end the week with a family member in the hospital. 

In spite of all of that, there are favorites to enjoy. 

My Mother's Day flowers that sit next to my front porch steps. 

I ask for flowers to sit on the porch or in hanging baskets every year. 

They are from a local plant nursery. 

I am loving all the colors and textures they chose. 

My first peony of the year. It smells amazing. 

It is grown from a root cutting of a friend's peony plant. 

That makes it extra special to me. 

Working on a second sock. 

This is my Mouse King socks by StudioCatKnit. 

I love the rhythm and calm of a vanilla sock and especially with stripe yarn. 

A finished project! Yay! 

They are the Stack of Books sock pattern by Sock Witchery. 

I used some speckle yarn that was leftover from Zebra Yarns and a mini skein I dyed. 

I used a 2.5mm needle for these to see if I like the fit. 

I would love to know your favorites from the week. 

Let's Chat, 


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